Evolution of design and how it impacted life on earth

Our planet as is a well-designed piece of product with perfect shape, size, motion in a rightly balanced layout that are not just looking wonderful but makes living better.

Ashok Kumar


Everything around us right from tooth brushes to VR lens in this Earth are designed to work better for humans yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yet this design both by process and skill has gone through and still going through a huge evolution based on the human needs, new threats, new inventions and advancement in technology.

This article is about how our environment has gone through a prodigious change along with the design.

Earth’s evolution history

Humans right from their existence started evolving all through their inventions with the help of design. They said to be started with shaping stones that helped them create Sparks to the fuel that lit rockets to space. There has been a humongous inventions with spectacular design thinking and it has evolved throughout our history of Earth.

From Paleolithic tools to AI humanoids, wood that rolled to automatic cars, clothes that covered to digital outfits, carts that carried to the space crafts, farms that grew to the solar farms, huts that sheltered to burj khalifa’s, cattamarans to submarines, whistles in the air to instruments worked with gestures in the air, fire torches to home automation, smoke signals and drums to wireless communication, adams apple to 3d printed food, pegions to drones, bread crumbs to Google lens, animal blood inks to Lazer printers, herbal medicines to artificial pancreas, turing machines to smart wearables.

Design change and subsequent inventions are just a natural process till our planet exist or even when we move to another planet.

Mankind design adoption and how it made living better

Humans adopted every little positive change happening in and around the world right from climatic, environment, people, culture, transport, economy etc. and all these changes every time come along with tiny or notable iteration in design based the trend, skill, environment, technology, resources and process.

For example today when it comes to rain, our metrological scientists analyse and predict near accurate metrics right from when it would pour, where it would pour & how much and much more metrics which enbales us to monitor everything just within our palms. There are personal weather stations now available in market. These changes are designed to improve living experience of the people in Earth.

User experience design = Future human living experience

User experience was a term coined by Donald Norman encompasses traditional human-computer interaction (HCI) design, and extends it by addressing all aspects of a product or service as perceived by users. Many products in this world are designed for better usage or created by analysing the current usage. Sometimes when we look back at tools, machines, products etc. were highly usable that was existing even before user experience methodology was in practice or even from ancient times. That adds to prove that design is part our DNA.

Design is an indispensable factor that aided human existence and evolution all these years. Designers of any discipline who create new ideas that which works targeting for better user, customer or service experience are going to craft future human living experience.




Senior manager - Product design @ Freshworks (Freshchat + Bots & AI)